In this fun animation, Fat Imposter, we find an entertaining and original narrative with spectacular drawings in which our friends the crew members will have to face and try to survive a very special villain. On this occasion, nothing more and nothing less, our enemies will fight against a fat imposter who has a whole arsenal of food that he will use as a skill to eliminate the crew members he can.
Fat Imposter – Among Us Animation
This great animation has a series of very interesting and funny dialogues that introduce us to a narrative with many unexpected twists. We will find a series of confrontations between different crew members against various impostors, in which we will be presented with unusual scenarios such as a mini crew member who will see his father die at the hands of a villain with a strange accent, as this animation also includes original voices.
In this arc of confrontations we will have the opportunity to enjoy the development of some of the characters thanks to the desire for revenge, the overcoming of adversity and the struggle of the weak against the powerful while we enjoy some tremendously comic scenes.