DAB MOD adds a new game mode where players appear with a trap aesthetic and can also make competitions where they must choose between a series of characters. On the other hand, all players have the DAB ability, which allows them to play a game where different options can come out such as freezing the player for a few seconds or doing a DAB.
What does DAB MOD include in Among Us?
The impostor will wear the same appearance as the rest of the players plus he will have a number of new abilities which are:
- DAB-LICATE. Ability to perform several DAB moves in a row. This can stun or even eliminate other players.
- DAB-OFF. Allows you to eliminate a player with a DAB. The imposter must trigger this ability near the other player.
- INVIS-DAB. Ability to become invisible.
- TELEPORT. Allows the character to travel instantly to another part of the map.
- DAB. Allows to launch a random box where different moves can come out such as a simple DAB, one that freezes the player for a few moments or one that will make the player dance until he is eliminated. The impostor will be able to choose between the different possibilities offered by this ability.
- INFINITE. Ability to perform another ability uninterruptedly for a specified period of time.
The DAB competition is divided into three rounds where players must choose one of the characters presented in the room. Each character has a hidden score. The impostor has the advantage of being able to see the scores of all players and the player with the lowest score is eliminated. For the rest of the players it is a matter of luck.
Download DAB for Among Us
This is a MOD for Among us that is not publicly available. However, we recommend you check out other Free MODs on our website, where you will find MODS and MODS Packs.