Among Us Super SMASH BROS MOD Impostor – How to play it?

A Japanese Modder has developed a MOD of Among Us for Super Smash Bros that incorporates the famous and characteristic crew members of the game as a new character within Smash Bros. As you can see in the video below, the MOD is fully playable, and is not an animation as has happened on other occasions.

This spectacular MOD for Super Smash Bros is as faithful as possible to the details, since the abilities of the Impostor, the new character added to the game, are taken from Among Us’ own animations. In addition, more far-fetched details, such as the player’s footsteps, have been taken into account and replicated to perfection, to be identical to those of the crew members inside InnerSloth’s ship.

Super Smash Bros X Among Us – How to be an imposter in SSBB

Here we leave you the video of the official MOD trailer released by the Japanese developer who is taking care of it:

As you can see, this Among Us mod for Smash Bros is fully playable and contains all the details we have previously discussed (in the video itself are explained in more detail everything included in this modification for Super Smash Bros). As a curious fact, the official InnerSloth account on Youtube has commented on the video itself, showing his appreciation for this version of SSBB so special.

How to install Among Us Impostor in Super Smash Bros

Since I’m personally not a SSBB player, and have never used a MOD for that game in my life, the best I can do is leave you with the official installation video from the developer himself. It’s barely 4 minutes long, after which you’ll be able to play as an Impostor in Super Smash Bros.